By Owen Swanson & Charlie Goodwin
Anaheim Ducks
Owen: While they definitely could have done a better job matching the originals, this isn’t a bad homage. These jerseys are definitely interesting and will be fun to watch on the ice, regardless of their accuracy.
Arizona Coyotes
Charlie: Well I guess I’m boring because I’m not a huge fan of these jerseys. While I think the color scheme is really great and a nice shift from Arizona’s normal colors, the logo and tribal pattern are a bit out there for me, and would be best kept in the past.
Boston Bruins (Winter Classic Jerseys)
Charlie: I like the change of color for a more classic look, appropriate for the Winter Classic. I agree that they should have kept their iconic logo, and I’m never a fan of stripes. It’s an average jersey.
Calgary Flames
Owen: I like the reference to their older style of jersey, although I think they could’ve made it more interesting and given it a more modern look. I know the old jerseys didn’t have any black, but some black in this iteration would’ve made the jersey a lot more interesting.
Carolina Hurricanes (3rd Jersey and Hartford throwbacks)
Charlie: I agree with everything you said, they eventually needed to correct the usage of the flag on the jersey (one flag means a rainstorm, not a hurricane). I don’t know why some are so low on these jerseys, in my opinion they are one of the better third jerseys released this season.
Owen: It feels a little weird to be wearing a jersey of a team that was taken away from a city, especially since Carolina has the possibility of being relocated due to their lack of success in recent years, both on the ice and off. It looks great, but feels a little poorly timed.
Chicago Blackhawks (Winter Classic)
Charlie: I totally agree, for a team that usually has incredible jerseys, Chicago really dropped the ball on this one. There hasn’t been a Blackhawks jersey I really disliked until now. A team with a reputation like Chicago’s needs to do better, especially for a winter classic.
Colorado Avalanche
Owen: I agree the jersey logo is a nice reference to the old Colorado Rockies jerseys, and I like how they modified the old logo a little bit. I disagree about the colors, though. It's cool that they put the modern franchise’s spin on the old team’s logo. I agree the asymmetry on the shoulders is annoying, but I like the flags, and just prefer that they would’ve put one on each shoulder.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Charlie: While I agree with you on the color scheme, I think it fits well with the old-time feel of the cannon logo. I’ve never been a fan of circular patches on the chest of jerseys, so I think the Blue Jackets would have been better off just putting the cannon without the circular patch surrounding it. Average jersey.
Edmonton Oilers
Charlie: I think these are really nice and a classic Oiler look. I agree that they shouldn’t be used as an alternate, but I think they should be the normal home jersey. I have no idea why they use orange as the normal home jersey when the blue are preferred by the fans. Same problem as the Whalers jersey -- they aren’t worn enough.
New Jersey Devils
Owen: I agree this is a nice take on the old Devils jersey. It's another case of teams referencing their franchise history in an interesting way, and I'm a big fan.
New York Islanders

Charlie: The shoulder pads are horrendous and I agree about it being similar to a practice jersey. It was a good decision to incorporate the teams orange and blue color scheme into the old black-and-white third jerseys with the “NY” logo. Maybe the Isles’ hot start can make these jerseys a little more bearable to watch on the ice.
Philadelphia Flyers
Owen: I like the use of black as the main color in this alternate, but the way they use orange to accent it is too simple. There should be a more interesting trim on the elbows and the bottom part of the torso. It would’ve also been nice if they modified the original Flyers logo in some way.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Charlie: Three words: Too. Much. Yellow. This jersey is not pleasing to the eye whatsoever, and with so many classic jerseys the Penguins could have brought back, it’s a shame they went in this direction. I also don’t like the elimination of the triangle surrounding the penguin logo. Easily my least favorite alternate jersey this season.
San Jose Sharks
Owen: This jersey really bores because of how much black it has, and the shade of teal they used for the elbow trim and shoulder patches looks really bad with just straight black. SOme more white in this jersey would have definitely made this look better. Its overall plainness on the front is its biggest problem. These are tied with the Blackhawks' Winter Classic jerseys as my least favorite alternate sweater being worn by NHL teams this season.
St. Louis Blues
Charlie: Similar to Calgary, this is a really clean and classic jersey. I agree that it’s a perfect tribute to the original Blues jerseys. The shade of blue will look really nice on the ice, and makes it one of the best alternate jerseys this season.
Washington Capitals
Owen: I really like this alternate. It’s very similar to the ones they had before the Adidas contract. It would’ve been cool to see the Caps do something newer, possibly honoring their Stanley Cup win in some way. However, they’re still really aesthetically pleasing and will be nice to watch on the ice, despite Adidas’ decision to not be innovative.
Winnipeg Jets
Charlie: While I think the shade of blue they used in the jersey is really nice, I agree that the design is boring. It’s just too simple for me. You're right that it would look more appropriate saying “Thetas” instead of “Jets”.